The 2025 Diploma Showroom will take place on May 8 at the Animationsinstitut. Between 3 and 7 pm you'll have the chance to get to know our graduates and their projects. Until then, keep an eye out for postings and hints on Instagram and LinkedIn. You can find some impressions of the last years' events further down on this page.
Coming soon: Our graduates's profiles and a sneak peak of their projects.
Parallel to the Stuttgart Animated Week, the graduates of the Animationsinstitut opened up eight individual project rooms, gave exclusive glimpses behind the scences, screened their films, played the games and invited you to meet the teams. You can find out more about their work here.
The first Diploma Showroom at the Animationsinstitut took place in 2023. You can find out more about the projects here or simply watch the video below.